          Just got back from Days of Future Past. Probably the
          best since X2. It's really about discrimination and fear
          again, instead of about superpowers.
          Yeah, after a couple of movies they just sort of throw
          those themes out the window. First Class tried to find
          them again.
          Last Stand has the themes more than First Class.
          Does not!
          Does too!
          Let us make an X-Men toplist.

          On 7th place I have X-Men: First Class.
          Of all the franchises I grew up with X-Men the most.
          The comics, the TV show, now the movies. More than
          Star Wars, more than any other geek thing that I was
          far too into. And to me, Matthew Vaugn doesn't get
          X-Men. He makes fun movies, but they're not X-Men.
          Vaugn has far too much fun. But X-Men isn't
          Avengers. X-Men isn't fun. X-Men is about
          discrimination and racism, about fear, loneliness and
          group behaviour. It's like Vaugn just wanted to make
          a Bond movie.
          This is nothing like Bond.
          My problem with Matthew Vaugn's X-Men is a bit
          like your problem with the JJ Abrams Star Trek
          movies. They're fun, but they're not Star Trek. I didn't
          grow up with Star Trek, so it's all fine by me.
          But those are discriminatingly bad! But I understand
          the comparison. I really liked Magneto in First Class
          Yeah, Magneto's storyline was great. But I had a
          problem with most of the other mutants. Banshee and
          Angel, the girl who spits fireballs. Those aren't cool
          powers. Especially not for a movie. That entire
          Xavier storyline, which is basically about a rich kid
          who get's off on peoples powers. First Class
          should've been what it was originally going to be:
          X-Men Origins: Magneto. With just Magneto and
          Sebastian Shaw as the only mutants. But now they
          had like a thousand different mutants running around
          in that movie, far too many for the sixties, when
          nobody in the world was supposed to even know they
          existed. Days of Future Past tries to rectify some of
          that, bringing the mutants more undercover, instead
          of out in the open. Which works better with X1.
          I haven't seen Days of Future Past yet, so I don't have
          a 7th place.

          On 6th place I have X-Men Origins: Wolverine.
          Me too.
          It's an hilariously melodramatic shit of a film. Dumb
          characters, horrible writing. Only some of the scenes
          with Wolverine being witty were sorta funny.
          It drifts off pretty far from the Wolverine and setting
          we saw in X1, to which this is essentially a prequel.
          And some of the VFX are really bad.
          How could they approve those?
          I have no idea. I used to superhate Origins as well,
          but not anymore. Maybe I've gotten used to it, maybe
          I've discovered the good bits in it.
          Oh you actually watched this more than once?
          I told you, X-Men is my bible.
          Oh yeah, right.

          On 5th place I have The Wolverine.
          Me too! It's very 'different' isn't it?
          This is kinda like Bond. Reminds me somewhat of
          You Only Live Twice.
          I don't really watch Bond films. I liked the red-headed
          girl. Yukio. But I found it a little weird that the whole
          mutant issue wasn't really going on in this movie,
          whilst this is supposed to happen after Last Stand.
          I guess all of that isn't really going on in Japan.
          Setting it in Japan was a nice breath of fresh air though.
          I thought this was everything Origins should have been.
          Maybe, though I didn't really get what exactly
          Wolverine's arc was in this. That was left far too
          vague to focus on it so entirely. The swordfights were
          great, by the way.

          On 4th place I have The Last Stand.
          Again: Me too.
          It's a fine continuation of the first two, but it suffers
          from crowded plots and characters.
          Really? Than you won't like Days of Future Past,
          which is the most crowded of all X-Men movies yet.
          But I thought Last Stand was kinda simple in it's story.
          Little exposition and stuff, but more made as the third
          act to a story, the trilogy, which made this the action
          climax. I think it works if you think about it like that.
          But you're right that they introduce a lot of mutants
          that don't really have a function, like Vinnie Jones as
          Juggernaut, which was terrible. Though, to Brett
          Ratner's defense, he was cast when Matthew Vaugn
          was still going to direct it I think. Matthew Vaugn
          really doesn't get X-Men.
          It focusses on cool mutant powers too much, and it's
          missing the themes of X1 and 2.
          No! It has those themes, with the cure, the oppression.
          That subplot of Rogue deciding to get rid of her
          I thought that was Mystique's story in First Class.
          Before first class she wasn't that interesting a
          First Class is a 60's revenge movie. Last Stand is
          Brett Ratner trying to make a Bryan Singer movie,
          which is closer to what X-Men should be I think.
          I just enjoyed First Class a lot more.

          So on 3rd place I have X-Men: Days of Future Past.
          The middle act is a little slow, as it over-X-plains the
          plot for non-X-perts. But the first and final thirds of
          the movie are as good as Singer's other episodes. It
          didn't really feel as big as the budget suggested it was
          going to be, but then again, X-Men movies have
          never really felt huge in the way Avengers or
          Transformers feels huge. It focusses more on
          character. Which is also sort of my only problem with
          DOFP. The movie's main story is about Wolverine
          having to convince Xavier to become the Xavier we
          know from Patrick Stewart. This is fine, but the
          depressed Xavier just isn't one I personally like very
          much. Also: I would've liked to have seen more of the
          future bits, 'cause they were awesome. These are
          minor details. Overall it was very good. A return to
          form for the franchise with a nice teaser for the next
          part: X-Men: Apocalypse.
          My 3rd place has First Class, which we already sort
          of discussed. It has some of the same problems that
          Last Stand has, being overcrowded with plot and
          characters, but it was more enjoyable. But I really
          would've wanted it to be a Xavier/Magneto buddy
          cop movie à la Lethal Weapon.

          My 2nd place is X2: X-Men United, which is a
          terrible title by the way.
          But a great film.
          It's a lot cooler than the first one, more slick and
          actiony. Especially in that opening scene.
          My 2nd place is the first one actually: X-Men. A
          great way to start a franchise and introduce the
          universe, the characters and the themes.

          My 1st place is the only one left: X-Men. The movie
          that sort of started the comic book movie craze and, I
          would say, is still the best one ever made. The
          dialogue and the metaphor are so spot on that they
          overshadow the comic book fun in a great way,
          making it very real, for a comic book movie. Maybe
          even the most real of all comic book movies. This is
          one of my all time favorite movies.
          My 1st place goes to X2 for the same reason why The
          Empire Strikes Back is the best Star Wars movie. Like
          Empire this too is very dependent on the first film, but
          it continues and improves on it's characters and
          themes in a great way.
          Let's recap.

     T:               R:
7.   First Class      -

6.   Origins          Origins

5.   Wolverine        Wolverine

4.   Last Stand       Last Stand

3.   Future Past      First Class

2.   X2               X-Men

1.   X-Men            X2

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